Trust is Key

Trust is Key

God cannot give us a happiness and peace apart from Himself, because it is not there. There is no such thing.
-C.S. Lewis

What is the one thing that pretty much all of us search for in this world? Peace & Happiness. It’s all we truly ask of God. We want to know what to do next so that we are happy and filled with peace. We want out of a situation so we can be filled with happiness and have peace in the situation. But, do we ever just seek God for God?

Finding What Matters

Finding What Matters

Our greatest fear should not be of failure but of succeeding at the things in life that don’t really matter

-Francis Chan

As I have been going through this year, this quote has stuck with me. I am trying to find what matters in my life. So, what does truly matter? This is a mind boggling question when truly pondered. It is something that many spend their whole lives trying to decipher.