Can our concepts of Christian freedom and American freedom actually coexist?

Can our concepts of Christian freedom and American freedom actually coexist?

Freedom is rarely a talking point, in my experience, where there is much division. In an American context, freedom is the bedrock for our nation and an honorable one at that. I believe freedom to be a noble pursuit, but it has devolved into a sinister sense of selfishness in its current state. When freedom becomes more about me and my ability to exert my will upon daily life, rather than choosing to promote the common good and serving God and neighbor, Christians lose the plot on multiple levels.

I don't know how to tell you that you should care about people

I don't know how to tell you that you should care about people

It takes a lot for me to get angry. Most of my friends can probably tell you the number of times I've actually gotten mad at them. It's rare, and for some of them, I haven't yet. This blog is different than probably anything I've ever written. I usually start with some witty quote from a book or article that I've read that strikes a chord in my soul. This week, though, I am going pretty stream of consciousness because I am angry and do not want to mince words.

How is death shaping us?

How is death shaping us?

And why is it so important to act strong? I have been graced with the strength to endure. But I have been assaulted, and in the assault wounded, grievously wounded. Am I to pretend otherwise? Wounds are ugly, I know. They repel. But must they always be swathed? I shall look at the world through tears. Perhaps I shall see things that dry-eyed I could not.

— Nicholas Wolterstorff, Lament for a Son

This Is Who We Are

This Is Who We Are

I have seen many say that the events that took place on January 6th do not represent this nation, but I disagree. This is precisely who we are. The American Church, and particularly white evangelicals, have peddled a gospel antithetical to Scripture for quite a while and the fruits of that labor are finally coming out into the daylight. The Christian symbols and terminology associated with the rising hate, lies, and political movements in this country have co-opted a faith that is so much bigger than its supposed symbiosis with a political party. My blood boils at these ideas and particularly at the images of crosses and nooses side by side. What has the Church done to perpetuate these lies? How have we been formed in this false gospel? How can we move forward?